> If a co-owner dies today, can you work with his family to run the business?
> Will the co-owner’s family members know how to run the business with you?
> Can they work well with you?
> Would your beneficiaries be able to get a fair price if they wanted to sell the shares?
> Do you have the funds to buy out the deceased co-owner’s shares/interests from the family members when there is no pre-agreed price in a written agreement?
> Can the shares/interests you are purchasing be transferred quickly to you?

Often these are:-
> A new partnership is created due to the inheritance of the shares/interest by inexperienced heirs. Chances are this new partnership may fail.
> There is no pre-agreed price for any sale to take place when the heirs decide to sell to the other co-owners. As a result, it may take years to settle a transaction price.
> Some of the unqualified heirs may insist on being directors of the company and be active in running the business. This may lead to serious disruptions and disputes within management.
> It is possible that the co-owners may decide to abandon the business and start their own due to disputes with the heirs.
> Where inexperienced heirs get involved in the business, there tends to be loss of profits and uncertainty about the business future success.

When you invest in properties you may choose to channel any rental income towards your spouse, children and loved ones. Our Annuity Trust can help to maximise savings in a tax efficient manner by providing an optimum solution for you and your family.
Our Annuity Trust is the solution for you and your family. When you have substantial income and intend to invest in properties to receive a steady stream of income for your family, you would want to pass down such benefits to them in a tax efficient manner.

Planning for your loved ones is good but if the distribution gets stuck, then it poses more problems to them. Appoint Rockwills Trustee Berhad to ensure smooth distribution of your estate to your loved ones.

> Who will get what and how best to provide for your beneficiaries?
> Who do you appoint as Executor and is that person qualified to be the executor of your estate?
> Can you trust this person with everything you have and will he/she be always there for your beneficiaries?
Understandably, you may want to appoint someone close to you as the executor. However, selecting an individual to manage your estate may do more harm than good, apart from the risk of loss from misuse or mismanagement. The executor will be required to deal with various tedious and time consuming legal, taxation, accounting and administrative matters beginning with the application for probate, attending court hearings, preparing reports, etc. until the distribution according to the instructions in the Will. The process can get very complicated.

You have bought insurance to protect against loss of income but who can you trust to protect your insurance money? Can your young beneficiaries manage such a large sum of money?
Protection – Our Natural Instinc
Entire herd of elephants bring up the youngest members. When under threat, group parenting kicks in where all the older elephants from an outward-facing circle, protecting the vulnerable calf in the middle.
We as parents naturally protect our children. For example, you may purchase insurance so that in case something happens to you while they are young, there will at least be cash to provide for their needs. If you have taken insurance, chances are, you may think that you have done enough in providing security to your loved ones by nominating them as your beneficiaries in your insurance policies. Think again.
Are your loved ones completely protected when you nominate them as beneficiaries in your insurance policies? Is that actually enough? You may want to consider:
> If your spouse is the sole beneficiary to your insurance policy, what happens to the insurance proceeds upon your spouse’s passing?
> If your young children are the beneficiaries, who should claim the insurance proceeds for them in the event both you and your spouse are unable to?
> Are your beneficiaries mature enough to handle large sums of money?
> Is there someone competent enough to assist the beneficiaries?

You have planned for your children’s future and have set aside money for their education. You are managing well. However, if any untoward incident happens, do you have a back-up plan to ensure their future is protected?
A Cichlid fish (one of which is the common Tilapia) couple will take turns to fan their eggs with their fins to increase oxygen flow.
After the young hatch, the parents continue to care for and protect them. When there is a threat from a predator, they will suck the young into their mouth until the danger is gone. Such wonderful devotion!
Many animals go to great lengths to prepare their young for survival in life. We, as parents, can make sure our young children are taken care of if we are no longer around through a trust.

Our Declaration Trust is a simple, flexible and powerful providing for your loved ones and securing their financial well-being. Under Declaration Trust, a trust is set up by you as trustee with Rockwills Trustee as your back up trustee. This prevents any delay in allowing your beneficiaries to enjoy the trust assets.
In our Declaration Trust, you need not transfer the assets yet, until any of the following events (as determined by you) occurs:
> Death
> Total Permanent Disability (TPD)
> Critical Illness
> Mental Disability
> Resignation as trustee
> Disappearance for a period of time

Many people have many different needs. These can be easily solved by setting up a special specific purpose trust to protect their assets and loved ones as listed below.
Have you ever start thinking of
'I want to provide for my family in their time of need when I am no longer able to.'
> You wish to create a fund to take care of a certain person for example, a distant relative who took care of you when you were young.
> You wish to free your family members from the burden of paying your outstanding loans and liabilities e.g housing loans.
> You wish to ensure that upon your demise, the needs of your family are well taken care of while waiting for Probate or Letter of Administration to unfreeze your assets.
> You want to establish a fund for various purposes such as education, medical assistance, maintenance and even for purposes of charity, and also for different categories of beneficiaries for example, family members, special needs children, future generations and relatives.
The Solution
Create a Private Purpose Trust with Rockwills Trustee Berhad where you can set up a fund which can cater for the above situations for your loved ones.

Our Pet Trust is the first in Malaysia and it is to benefit your pet with such important features.
A man’s best friend commonly refers to the dog that you love. You may spend hours playing with your dog, going for walks and your dog may even sleep in the house. You may buy life insurance for your dog to make sure that it gets the best medical care possible. If not a dog, perhaps a cat that you love.The thing is, if you pass away or become disabled, how and who will take care of your pet just like how you would?

- Appointing a pet guardian to look after your pet when you no longer can do so;
- Appointing a protector to make decisions for the care of your pet;
- You may allocate funds to pay regular allowance to the pet guardian and protector;
- You may choose the variety of instructions that are available for the Pet Guardian to carry out;
- Rockwills Trustee Berhad as the trustee will ensure that the funds in the Pet Trust are used as you have instructed;
- You may amend and review the Pet Trust whenever you want to;
- Part of your life insurance, unit trust investments and monies in your bank accounts could be covered in the Pet Trust to be used for your pet.

Are you worried that in future costs will go up and burden your loved ones? You can solve this though a special service called UPrepare.
Prepaid Gold & Prepaid Silver is an Estate Administration Services Package offered by Rockwills Trustee Berhad to reduce the costs of estate administration in the future.
There are many matters to be settled by an executor before distribution is made to the beneficiaries. These include collecting all immovable and movable assets [including bank accounts, vehicles, shares in companies, unit trusts, house etc]; settling the debts of the deceased [including income tax and debts]; and applying for the grant of probate and submission of the relevant documents to the High Court; dealing with various government agencies and financial institutions.
By appointing us as your executor and buy our Prepaid Gold or Prepaid Silver packages, your family members are relieved from all the above inconveniences!